Our story is your story. Over 4,482 clients use ResellerRatings to collect, engage and syndicate their reviews across the world.

Trusted by the biggest brands in the world...

...and by many other businesses of all sizes.

  • "We love using ResellerRatings to gather feedback! It's an organized and efficient way to better serve our customers. The site allows us to gather the customers' order information and resolve any issues to better their experience."

    Promgirl.come , Customer Relations, Marissa Crampton
    promgirl logo
  • "With the higher star rating in our paid ads, our PPC went down and our conversion rate went up..."

    myHermes, Joanne Morley, Head of Marketing
  • "ResellerRatings is a great platform that we can hear honest opinions from real customers and manage our online reputation. The services are easy to implement and supported by great people. Best of all, their price is awesome! A trustworthy company to work with!"

    Quickcall.com, Chris Zhu, Marketing Specialist
    Chris Zhu Quickcall
  • "The ResellerRatings platform integrates seamlessly with our backend system to collect reviews in a nonintrusive way and has significantly increased the amount of reviews we would have otherwise received. "

    KitchenCabinetKings.com.com, Andrew Saladino, COO

Case Studies


"In the year since we've been using ResellerRatings, we've seen a 10x increase in our volume of reviews and a jump in our star rating from 3.4 to 4.1."

Joanne Morley, Marketing Head, myHermes


"We have also seen a 233% increase in conversion rate of customers who have visited ResellerRatings AND our website."

Monika Runstrom, DrillSpot Marketing Manager


"It's a vote of confidence for us that Google would trust ResellerRatings as an authentic third-party that can be managing the customer perception."

Mark Carson Founder, Fatbraintoys.com


See how one of the largest retail bookstores, Barnes and Nobles, increased their review quality and score when sourcing from real customers with quality reviews.

See the Case Study »

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