Be where your customers begin.

We partner with major search engines to get your authentic reviews discovered. Syndicate store ratings into Google, Bing, Yahoo and other major digital channels.

Seller Ratings
Increase Visibility and Acquire Customers

Over 4,482 major brands have used ResellerRatings to connect with their customers and customers and build loyalty. Here’s why it’s making a difference:

Increase your visibility by up to 28% more traffic

Organic search results product reviews
google shopping star ratings
bing snippets

Increase click through rates Rich Snippets in your Google Ads

Your ads show up for thousands of searches a month. Make your ads pop with real ratings and reviews that customers look for.

Get Star Rich Snippets in Organic Search

90% of shoppers skip the ads and go straight to the organic search results? Augment your organic listing with real ratings and reviews, awarded to those who collect proper ratings and reviews with our methodlogy.

Rich Snippets in Bing Search and Paid Ads

Unlike other platforms, ResellerRatings content shows up in multiple Search Engines. Leverage Seller Rating for over 20% of the search market by also getting coverage in Bing and Yahoo Search listings for both paid and organic search.

Increase Visibilty & Acquire Customers

Use ResellerRatings Reviews Suite to get discovered through Google, Bing and other channels.

ResellerRatings gives consumers what they want: access to authentic user-generated reviews that provide increased confidence and trust in the brands and products they choose.

questions and answers
social syndication

Be Everywhere your Customer Begins

Search, Social, Local and Industry Specific Digital Channels. Send review invites to a variety of other platforms

Google or Bing might not always be where your best customers are. Push your store reviews to a variety of third party platforms, including G2, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and much more. Push to platform allows you to get verified content, directly on the niche platforms your customers exist on. See the full supported list of platforms here.

See our Full Network »

"As an independent third-party review site it lends your business credibility. You also get stars placed adjacent to your pages that pop up in Google search, which helps with SERP rankings"

Doug S, Client via G2 Reviews

g2 reviews
First Steps and Onboarding

With all the Survey Tools, Customization and Integrations and On-Site Widgets you need!

Launch highly customizable Brand Review Surveys easily

Automatic Survey Collection

Encourage discovery on your home page with Category ranked widgets showcasing the best ranked products in a category or latest reviews .


Upload recent shopper lists and we'll contact them without having to implement a single piece of code

Post Checkout

Automate your collection with post-checkout mailers delievered after a product is recieved.

On-Site Invite

Gather reviews instantly via feedback pop-up for insights specific usage.

Direct Campaign Links

Imbed emails directly into campaigns links, mailers, or during individual chats

Customer Feedback, NPS & Loyalty

Breakout with a full custommizable dashboard of tools with Feedback

Customizable, Intuitive Survey tools designed to Collect the most Reviews


  • High Deliverability
  • Custom Branding
  • Custom Questions
  • Loyalty / NPS / Customer Satisfaction


  • Coupons & Loyalty
  • Quick Shopper Validation
  • Follow Up Mailers

Content Protection

  • 48 hour review holds
  • Flag Specific Content
  • Competitor and Language Filtering
  • Anti-Fraud & Validation
  • PII Sanitization
  • Anonymous Reviews
  • GDPR / CCPA protection
  • Intention checking

Showcase Customer Stories with dynamic, gorgeous on-site Integrations

Highlight review content around major channels with our APIs or built-in widget displays. With around 80 million views per month, ResellerRatings widgets are easy to implement and can quickly boost your conversion rates.

Analytics and Management

Collect. Analyze. Integrate and Share.

From public replies, conversation messaging, and dynamic routing of cases, ResellerRatings provides a comprehensive, closed-loop cycle that allows companies of all sizes to acquire seller and product reviews, analyze them to identify and resolve issues.

Resolve a complaint in the customer's favor and they will do business with you again 70% of the time."

Source: Lee Resources
content filtering
Content Filtering

Manage and eliminate explicit language when you auto-publish questions. Use filtering to simplify how you manage reported content.

Content Filtering

Manage and eliminate explicit language when you auto-publish questions. Use filtering to simplify how you manage reported content.

Deep Dive Journey Touchpoint Tracking

Dive deep into topical analysis with industry wide data benchmarks around loyalty, pricing, and more. Use these filters to get more out of a review than ever possible. Read more (pdf) about our journey touchpoints .

Escalate and Prioritize

Send content directly to internal experts based on topic. Push a five-star rating to the marketing team, or send a one-star rating about delivery straight to the production team.

Data Filtering

Easily filter through all reviews and to discover important issues within negative feedback or collect positive comments.

Alerts and Notifications

With the ResellerRatings Reviews Suite, data comes to you. Receive email alerts about new reviews posted by customers, or changes made to past reviews. No need to log in 20 times a day—we'll let you know when anything changes.

Multi-Agent Review Management

Teams and Agents can use the our customer service system to reply back, engage and route issues. (or integrate with your favourite service)

Ignite your Brand and Get Started.

Increase Conversion. Click to Explore More Solutions.