• google Official Google Seller and Product Shopping Partner

Increase Google Visibility without the hefty price tag of other review vendors.

Your Google Ads will stand out, and your organic search listings will shine with high intent shoppers. Our suite of advanced collection tools puts your store front and center of search.

google seller ratings

4,482 retailers and fast growing brands use ResellerRatings

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google customer journey and syndication

Your customers buyers journey starts on Google

The cost of acquiring customers through search and ads is rising. Standing out in search is difficult and you need all the tools at your disposal to build an effective strategy to be discovered, be heard and rise above your competition. Your customers are key to this.

How ResellerRatings helps

ResellerRatings partners with Google (and Bing) to sync up Ratings and Reviews data directly into ads, and helps your organic search results rise with 'rich snippets' that adorn your search listings. We have a full suite of features to help you leverage our partnership with Google into clicks, conversions and sales.


Gain Traffic in Search, Cut CPC up to 17% and Improve CTR by 14%

Stand out in Search

Google Shopping Ads

Increase clickthrough rates, improve Adwords CTR and more in Google Shopping so more people can find your products. Gorgeous star ratings adorn your ads to make them highly visible and competitive.

Increase clickthrough rates and maximize your products visibility by providing the proof needed and expected from the modern day consumer.

The average increase in clickthrough rate - 24%

google shopping
google seller ratings ads
Stand out in Search

Google Seller Ratings

Seller Ratings in Google matter, because shoppers who are commited to buying a product, want to buy it from the best place. Amazon is no longer king and direct channels, your new brand, all need to show up competitively and proove your trust. Adorn your search ads with Star Rating extentions in google

The average increase in clickthrough rate - 10-16%

Decrease in CPC and ad optimization by up to - 17%

11 million reviews, over 266m impressions in Google Search a year

We know a thing or two about reviews and how to get your business seen

Increase Organic Search

Rich Snippets in Organic Search

Enhance organic search results for both your website and product. Make every product you have, effectively a high ranking listing, designed to attrack customers to your site.

Rich snippets enhance your search results and can result in up to a - 24%c lick through rate increase

product review organic search snippets
rank and seo
Rank and Replace

Ratings and Reviews is an important rank signal

Not only are ratings and reviews an incredibly important rank signal (See Source). Organic reviews that are authentic are crawlable, fresh, content that contiously creates relevant content for your listings.

Google & your Business

We're going to help you stand out in Google and maximize your ROI


01 - Create Trust with your Shoppers

Use ResellerRatings to collect authentic, social proof.

02 - Stand out in Search and Increase Your CTR's

Be where shoppers begin and adorn your search results with social proof, rich snipets extensions and flair.

03 - Decrease your CPC for Ads

Increasing your click through rate and quality score on ads with ratings and reviews is the magic formula for decreasing CPC

04 - Use social proof to Max your ROI & reduce Abandonment

Social proof helps customers on your site go from one step to another while feeling good. Think of your customers voice as a concierge that is constantly letting your potential customers know of the great experience they are about to get.

ratings journey

Ignite your Brand and Get Started.

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