The New ResellerRatings |

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Welcome to the New ResellerRatings

We've been doing a little remodelling. Welcome to the New ResellerRatings.

Welcome to the new ResellerRatings

New site and upcoming features (aka the roadmap)

We're releasing new features out on the beta site and as we get feedback will roll them into the release plan. Over the next several months you're going to see a lot of sweet changes to ResellerRatings to accommodate its massive growth. If you're new to ResellerRatings you can Learn more, or start writing a review.

new star ratings

New Star Rating

We're phasing out the checkmark rating ResellerRatings was known for. Why? We figured it made more sense since stars have become the universal symbol of approval. It also syncs in with our Google Ratings snippets that you'll see in search results.
new survey process

New Survey

We've gone back, taken a heavy look at the old survey process and taken a chainsaw to it. Literally. The new survey process is literally one page. No more multiple pages, long verbose questions. It's now a simple and powerful assessment of your user experience.
new site navigation

New Flow and Navigation

The old RR was a bit messy, with things strewn all over the place. We've done house cleaning and brought all our old links (and then some) into a more organized fashion that allows people to find the stores easily, or for merchant members to navigate around.
new backend

New Backend, vroom vroom

That might not mean a lot to regular users. What it should mean is that you have a faster site, a site with more kick and pow.
Colors and Design

We really like orange and blue

We took the core colors and brand of the old site and threw it in the wash, cleaned it off and brought a whole new streamlined look to the site. The new site look reflects what we always thought ResellerRatings was about. It's fun, our reviews are largely positive, they affect millions of dollars worth of purchases, and it's all thanks to you. The new site, celebrates that exactly, the user.
New search results

Find stores and products faster

Try our search. We've retooled it to be faster and show off information much clearer to everyone. Now, store ratings are bright and vivid, and you even get a nice preview image of the actual store site.
The RR blog

Say Hello us

The RR team is a team of passionate expert developers, designers, and Internet shopping wizards. That's right...we're people, not robots. Come talk to us. The new ResellerRatings blog charts our work, our reputation, spotlights merchants, features contests, community, and for our like minded developer geeks, development plans. We're inviting people to come in and join us, the team in saying hi, and figuring out the best places to shop online.
New Merchant Member Dashboard

Merchant Dashboard 2.0

We've rebuilt the merchant dashboard toolset to be stronger, better and faster than before. It'll also allow us and you to pull some fancy metrics from your customers as well give us room to grow it to be more useful and more important to your bottom line. Visit the merchant member program.

A lot more is coming ...

This is first of all our first phase relaunch. You're going to see a lot of tweaks and feedback come into affect over the next several months. Here's a preview of things that will dropping on the plate for both users and our merchant members.

Unified Search - One search to rule them all

What is unified search?'s somewhat of a secret. But rest assured, it means, searching things on the site will be a whole lot easier and tie store ratings, to amazing deals and products.

Multiple Reviews per store

Finally, a long requested feature. We're brining together multiple reviews for a store. This is a game changer in how reviews are created, how our anti-fraud works, and reflects more accurately those shoppers who consistently go to certain online retailers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cool, how do I go back to the old RR?

You can switch back to the old ResellerRatings by simply going to the old site url. At some point in the near future, we're going to be transitioning to the new site completely and taking down the old ResellerRatings. We'll give you a heads up.

When are you guys doing to do a full switch?

Pretty soon. As we roll out the new features for the new RR, we're going to be receiving a lot of feedback from you guys that will chart our direction. We have a game plan, and we're pushing it forward. With that said, we're not committing to a final pull the plug date on anything quite yet. It could be next week, it could be in two months.

I don't like x feature, or I love this feature or you should add this feature

We'd love to hear from you, get your opinions and tell us what works or strange issues you may be having. While we're maintaining our best efforts to make the transition smooth, their may be a few hiccups here and there. Please let us know, we'll get on it as quick as possible.

What was your inspiration for the relaunch?

ResellerRatings is growing in pretty large leaps and bounds. People have chosen us over many other sites as the trust authority, and so we wanted to reflect our standing with the community. While a lot of the old site has been slowly improving, we decided to pull together a new team, and accelerate everything. We know exactly where the old site was working well, and not so well. We wanted to show that visually and give the site more of a personal voice and bring all that's great about our passionate community to the surface!


We'd love to hear all your feedback. Please take a second to send us your thoughts.