feedback resellerratings

Let the Customer Voice help you Build a better Business

NPS, Micro Surveys, and Long Form Feedback integrated into your Ratings and Review Platform. Learn whats working for your brand, what’s not, and what to do next with ResellerRatings new Feedback solution.

Research templates geared towards e-commerce shopping let you get started in minutes

Customer Loyalty Theme
customer loyalty surveys
Onboarding Customers
customer loyalty surveys
Optimize Shopping Content
Create better shopping content
Improve Order Journey
Improve Order Journey
Drive response rates

Learning from your customers takes time, energy, especially with your fast moving store. With our survey solution, use micro-surveys to drive up to 30% greater response rates than traditional long form surveys.

Built in Research Templates or create your own

Long form deep dives or MicroSurveys

Net Promoter Score

Understand what makes customers loyal to your brand

Fuel growth and mitigate detractors with Net Promotor Score templates (NPS). NPS surveys help you quantify customer loyalty while also providing qualitative feedback to help you improve your customer experience.

net promoter score
Let's Solve Some Problems
It can be difficult when starting an e-commerce store, how to start asking your customers for questions. Here's what we can do for you!

Reduce Customer Churn

Create Better Product Information

Reduce Onboarding Friction

NPS and Loyalty

Find out what's working on Product Launches

Improve your Order Journey

survey flow and conditional logic
Launch Controls


Surveys are delivered to email addresses you provide. Customers respond directly in the email. No external links!

E-Commerce Pages

Automatically gather feedback directly on your website. We ensure a steady stream of feedback with Adaptive Sampling.

In-Line Feedback

Integrate directly in-line on your page, integrating your survey directly in your content.

What's in the Box?

It's a world class, easy to use, drag and drop survey builder that manages your questions, your campaigns and your customer data.

survey feedback dashboard


rr logo
Long Form Surveys

Dive deep with long form surveys, designed to really get into a particular segment or vertical of knowledge.

Micro Survey

With over 30% response rate, micro-surveys are easy to deploy and even easier for your shoppers to do without breaking their customer journey flow


Over 30+ templates drive our reaseach


Built on a proven methodology, Stamped’s NPS capabilities allow you to monitor your customer’s loyalty and satisfaction trends, while providing actionable insights real-time to help improve company performance.


Our Analysis & Reporting tools provide you with accessible, actionable data that helps you collect, analyze and respond to customer feedback. Empowering you to make more favorable impressions, improve shopper experiences, and accelerate growth.

Mobile & Desktop Feedback

this is cool

Fully customizable emails

Flexible emails with fast out-of-the-box or advanced CSS editing

Feedback & NPS

Collect indepth feedback & NPS from customers, partners, and internal employees to build out the best customer journey. Find sticking poinnts in your journey flow.

Conditional Logic

Route customers based on the their answers to different questions with incredible control.