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Compare RevZilla Motorsports vs J&P Cycles

Compare prices, policies, and customer reviews of RevZilla Motorsports and J&P Cycles

Overall Satisfaction

The overall satisfaction based on ResellerRatings algorithm that factors in recency of reviews. (Learn More).

114,185 reviews
4.29 / 5

75,506 reviews
4.94 / 5

Activity Rate

How recently the merchant has reached out to customers.

RevZilla Motorsports: not active
J&P Cycles: not active

Resolves Issues

Customers can change a negative review to positive after a helpful interaction with these merchants.

RevZilla Motorsports: no
J&P Cycles: yes

Helpful Positive Reviews

Positive reviews found most helpful by ResellerRatings users

RevZilla Motorsports



Great prices and fast shipping

"The item I was shopping for had the lowest price on RevZilla. They even beat the estimated arrival time in shipping by 2 days"

J&P Cycles



They Rock!

"I have purchased numerous items from them. I have never had any issues. On the road,in store or online. Their customer service has always been top notch. "

Helpful Critical Reviews

Critical reviews found most helpful by ResellerRatings users

RevZilla Motorsports



Was a poor experience.

"I ordered piston rings for a stock evo-3 1/2" standard bore pistons i received 3 5/8 rings. The box even labeled STANDARD BORE. also paid for next day delivery. when it wasnt delivered next day i called to request a refund and the "work from home" (heard a crying baby in the background) agent informed they could give me a refund as a 1 time courtesy. I paid for NEXT DAY DELIVERY not NEXT DAY PROCESSING. I ordered at 6am so well within the time limit for next day. If that is a "1 time courtesy" for something that was purchased and not delivered then id rather do business elsewhere."


See how each seller ranks within their respective category. Category rank is computed by comparing the aggregate rating of each merchant with more than 150 reviews.

RevZilla Motorsports does not meet the criteria to be ranked

J&P Cycles does not meet the criteria to be ranked