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Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"Teachers are great. Just having a ton of administrative issues"

Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"Great staff always friendly and welcoming. Our son goes without crying after the first week."

Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"The current director does not take parent complaints seriously. If we need something resolved it’s best to go to the regional director. Numerous staff and families have left this location in the last few months due to poor leadership and safety concerns. I’ve whitenesses teacher in the 2’s room being physically aggressive with the children and when brought to the directors attention I get “we’ll look into it” with no resolution. Children are bounced from teacher to teacher, no consistency. Lack of communication about changes in staff, multiple fire drills with no warnings during naps give my kids nightmares. Nutrition is a joke. This was a great school for 4 years but the last 6 months have been a complete mess. I worry about the children’s safety and feel the need to check cameras multiple times throughout the day just to make sure they are safe from aggressive staff or violent classmates. There are a few good teachers left but I’m not sure how long they will last here with the terrible work conditions."




"STAY FAR AWAY FROM TUTOR TIME ON DEER VALLEY! My daughter was Sexually assaulted there last week. The teacher wasn’t watching the kids and a boy pulled down my daughter’s pants and underwear and pulled his down and got on top of her. She kept saying no. Tutor time did absolutely nothing but made my daughter go home the day it happened. The teacher is still employed there….: They are extremely abusive towards the kids. They let the infants scream and cry in their crib. The new director is extremely rude and unprofessional. She has no idea how to take care of kids and it’s extremely sad. The things my kids say that they did is extremely heartbreaking. No kid should ever be treated the way my kids were. They have had 7 teachers walk out in the last 2 weeks due to extremely poor management. The director needs to be fired! The teacher who failed my daughter needs to be fired. When is enough? When a child dies in your care?!"

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Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"The actual facility is in need for a major update - new interior/exterior paint, floors, walls. The playgrounds are also in need for an update as children are literally playing in dirt fields. The leadership has been a revolving door for awhile now. The new director doesn’t appear to care about building relationships with families. The quality of hands on learning has decreased as it doesn’t appear that children ever experience sensory play (ie: playdough, sensory tables, painting) which is a huge part of their development and learning.The only reason I have my child enrolled at this time is because of the teachers and friends. The teachers work extremely hard everyday, and it is evident that they are trying their best. We will be looking for a new school for the upcoming school year."

Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"Overall good but that incessant late fee for being a couple mins late is super frustrating"

Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"I wish there was more consistency with the teachers staying in the classrooms they are assigned to. Young children thrive on routine and when teachers get moved often, it can be confusing for small children. Plus the teachers form relationships and understand the child’s needs and personality so moving the teacher can be hard on them too."

Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"At drop off several days, inappropriate music has been playing from the front desk. The content and language of the music is not appropriate for daycare aged children. The director often seems cold and unapproachable in the morning. She is visibly and audibly dealing with staff and/or center issues and often doesn’t great my child, who walks in shouting hello. She seems so focused on company policy that she seems to forget she is operating a center focused on children and ignores them and families. One of the best employees at this location left due to what I believe may have been conflicts with this new director, which is absolutely heartbreaking. I have overheard her communicating with other parents in what seems to be a very cold demeanor. She just seems to be lacking the appropriate social skills to interact with kids and parents in a childcare environment."

Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"There have been some exceptional teachers and some not…teachers roll in/out due to unhappiness with leadership/support ..not a whole lot of upskilling of teachers and lack of good morale and culture which leads to a decline in level of service received."

Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"Me and my wife love this school. We are welcomed and accepted and our child is not treated different because she has two moms. She comes home with something new learned everyday and leaves happy. We don’t see any signs of mistreatment from staff or other kids because it is handled properly. Ms. Anna is our teacher and she is so patient and active with the kids. Thank you!"

Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"Overall we love our center. We were very sad to see the director Sarah leave as she was very easy to communicate with and ensured any questions we had were answered.Dawne & Debbie have done such a wonderful job filling in for the missing management staff and keep our school running smoothly.It’s a great center & both our children are very well loved here. Every teacher knows their names and is always happy to see them in the morning!"

Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"We love this school! My sons teachers are amazing and he loves going to school"

Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"We love the staff and overall environment here. Any concerns we have ever had were met with care and support. Both Sarah & Martha are wonderful and you can tell they genuinely care for their students. My son is very well loved at this school which means more than they will ever know!"

Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"Tutor Time Deer Valley is is staffed with angels, they are all so amazing and caring for our daughter. The team has gained our trust through constant communication and support. Mr. Jordan and Mr. Logan are incredible and we appreciate them so much."

Verified Tutor Time - 8348 W. Deer Valley Road Shopper


"We love our child’s teacher - Debbie! It is clearly apparent that she is knowledgeable, nurturing, and understanding of each child’s individual needs. We most likely wouldn’t be there without her as a teacher!"