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I have gotten nothing but junk ltely. Three out of the last six items came broken or did not funtion correctly.

"I have been buying and selling on Ebay for nine years, and have 1201 positive seller feedbacks at 100%. I have had little to no problems. Ebay has a great protection policy. On Reverb, sellers are able to sell junk, items listed as new but were obviously returns, or not functioning right. I just got two new Peavey 215 speakers last week. The boxes were so old and torn up. The corners were smashed and broken. They offered me $30. They cost me $539. I got a Blackstar head with a bad volume knob. I found on a gear page that the seller new about before selling it. I got a damaged Peavey 500 poweramp with only one working channel. A Mesa Boogie Revtoverb shipped without any packing. It had a severe ground issue. Sellers know that nothing will happen. Ebays feedback policies keep the ripoffs from getting away with it. Reverbs feedback means nothing. They can have 20 bad feedbacks and keep selling their garbage. Three bad feedbacks on Ebay and you are limited. Also everyone knows Ebay will side with the buyer. Its like pulling teeth getting your money back from Reverb. This last purchase of the Peavey 215s was the last Reverb purchase for me. I still have to file with Reverb. This should be interesting."

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Buyers get screwed as well

"Purchased an amp that arrived with tubes that started smoking and burning . Seller didn't want to accept the the return so I sent it back on my dime over $80 and filed a bank dispute to recover my $1,300 I paid for the amp . Reverb closed my account . Even eBay and PayPal offer better resolutions than this **** website ! "



No Love For Legit Sellers

"I have been with Reverb since 2015. I have their highest ratings for shipping speed and reliability. 5 stars across the board on feedback and over 22 listings were successfully done. Until the most recent one, then I was made to feel like a dishonest cheat and crook by their Customer Service team, had my account "Under Review" and was forced to issue a refund to a buyer when I explained I needed additional time to get the funds back as they had already been used. Here's the details on what happened.

I listed a Marshall amp as in mint condition, with brand new tubes, and that it would include the cover and foot switch and was in mint cosmetic condition. I posted two pictures and within 2 hours I got a sale for $2200. The next day I boxed up the amp and requested a second shipping label through Reverb to put the footswitch and power supply in separately. I then notified the buyer and he wanted a refund immediately because I didn't disclose it was a 230V UK Marshall even though I was including the adapter and had been using it here in the US for several months.

He filed a complaint with Reverb, PayPal and they both were on me to instantly refund him. I had to explain to them that number one, why am I not protected as selling it AS IS and he bought it with no questions asked, and it was a FULLY operational and functional amp and it was not something I felt needed to be listed since it was fully compliant with US power.

They would not relent. The next thing I had to request from them was to re-list the amp as it had multiple watchers and sell it that way and then refund him his money. As I explained to them I am not a store and I don't have unlimited funds to just throw $2200 someone's way, especially when I wouldn't anticipate someone wanting to cancel an order for a silly reason like a power cord type. They blocked every attempt I made to re-list the amp to help get him his money back.

So I had to take it to Guitar Center get $1500 from them and then sell another piece of gear for $700 that I had planned to keep in order to get this guy his money back and shut him up and as of today Reverb still has me locked out. Thanks for the support and way to treat a seller with a high rating and high customer satisfaction ratings. I'm sure you'll do well keeping that business model going.



Deal with reverb and feel the hurt

"The Reverb offers NO client protection at all. Sellers do what they want. The Reverb rules state: pay in 72 hours. Seller arbitrary demands that I pay in 24 hours and then when I say that Reverb states that it is 72 hours, and I will pay him, he claims that "he doesn't care about Reverb rules" and cancels my order. Reverb didn't even bother to reply to my complaint"

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the worst!

"If I could rate this store minus 100 I would do so with no hesitations. To be honest I have no idea how this terrible web store keeps itself in business. All I got from my experience dealing with "reverb" is an absolutely unacceptable attitude towards the customer, negligence, dishonesty, bad communication, etc.
I ordered the bass guitar from reverb which turned out to be defective upon arrival.
No matter how hard I tried to negotiate the issue with the customer support rep, nothing helped so I was forced to file the claim at paypal to get my money back.

Stay away from this store as far as you can

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Reverb screws sellers too!!

"From reading the complaints here, it seems buyers get screwed a lot. But as a seller, I've had terrible experiences with Reverb and it's staff as well.

My first bad experience, the buyer took 3 days to submit payment, and though I had a box ready to ship the amp in, I decided that it wouldn't protect it well enough, so it took an extra day for me to get a better box for shipping. The buyer contacted Reverb, and they told him to CANCEL the order!!! It got real ugly there for a while, with Reverb siding with the buyer all the way. The buyer ended up filing a claim with PayPal, but eventually gave in and allowed me to ship the item. In the end, the buyer was VERY happy with the amp and all was good, but no thanks to Reverb.

The second case came when I sol an item where the jacks were plastic and the outside part was broken. No, I try to be straight up with my listings, so I took pictures, explained how I was going to replace them myself, but couldn't find exact replacements, so I was leaving to the buyer to repair. In other words, I FULLY DISCLOSED every detail about it so there would be no surprises. Of course the buyer claimed I didn't disclose it and insinuated that I was trying to defraud him, which was a total joke. But the Reverb guy "Evan", automatically sided with the buyer and tried to get me to accept a return, as if I had done something wrong. PayPal eventually sided with me and dismissed his claim, which is why I would NEVER leave it up to Reverb staff to arbitrate a dispute.

This last one I shipped a Tape Echo and as anyone knows who has had one, there is an adjustment as to how stiff or loose the head can move. I like mine loose since I control it with an external device. The buyer first complained that it was defective, and after I told him how to adjust it (which he said didn't work, but actually did by the time I got it back). He then resorted to complaining about the condition, which of course anyone who has dealt with Reverb is a sure fire way for a buyer to be able to back out of a deal and stick the seller with shipping costs. I asked for copies of the photos the buyer sent in, because he claimed to have another unit like the one I sold him. I wanted to verify the pictures he sent in were of the same unit. Of course, Reverb would never send them to me, so he could have downloaded them from the Internet for all I know!! The only scratch I saw on the item was NOT there when I sent it, as evidenced by the photo's I uploaded for the listing. But of course, the Reverb rep had made her decision before any of this came to light.

My advice is that if you absolutely MUST sell on Reverb, KEEP IT instead!!! There are too many buyers on Reverb that know how to play the game and Reverb will NEVER side with you as a seller. It doesn't matter what you say in your listing or any photo's/video you might have. Their default position is that you are trying to screw the buyer over and they will work against you every time!!! And NEVER allow direct Checkout with Reverb... always handle it through PayPal. It may take slightly longer, but at least they are willing to gather evidence before making a determination, and you have a better chance of winning if you have actually disclosed everything honestly.

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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Not as promised BUYER BEWARE!

"Multi-effects pedal in Excellent condition "Works Perfectly". Everyone knows a Excellent Condition Multi-effects pedal has a power supply because it came with one so Excellent & "Works Perfectly" suggest it does. No REVERB says didn't say it had one so no harm, SERIOUSLY?!! Don't buy from this sight at any price you will get burned, they have no customer support if you get burned.
After getting power supply turns out input jack for guitar is messed up. EXCELLENT!?
Seller was Michael's Boutique aka Michael Gordon from Nashville TN.

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Horrible customer service. DONT TRUST this site.

"Was given the run around every time I call about a pedal I ordered a month ago, still have not received a refund or can even speak to some one. BUYER beware"

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Sad But True

"In 2015 I purchased some guitar pedals and rack gear from Reverb. A couple of the items were not in the promised condition. After fighting with customer support - Being harassed by bad sellers and having ruined Feedback as a buyer I had to cancel my account and buy my gear elsewhere. At the end of 2016 I opened my account again and tried to give Reverb another try - I bought 2 Guitar pedals - both advertised as being in Mint Condition - I received both pedals all scratched and beat up - After almost 2 years I though the site would have been better - I was wrong - The site was worse - Once again my Feedback as a buyer was ruined - I was harassed by one of the sellers and Customer Support was Zero Help - I decided to cut my losses - I kept the pedals and closed my Reverb account a second and final time. I will never shop on this site again - It's too bad because I buy a lot of gear - Reverb is like the Island of Misfit Toys - A collection of Bad sellers with bad business practices - The sad thing is Reverb protects these bad sellers. I wonder what they will do when no one will no longer shop on the site from fear of being ripped off - One of the Worst buying Experiences!!! "

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Stay Away

"I got ripped off. Should have noticed the red flags such as the 14 day return policy and the sellers name which was Schuck's Gear Locker, humm I tried to explain to customer service at Reverb that missed their tiny return window it due to illness. Most businesses give you 30 days so I figured Reverb staff is just too lazy to do the quality control with it's sellers and both are pushing damaged products off on the consumer hoping that they miss the tiny return window. It's a con and a shoddy one at that.
The seller never responded to my emails which makes me pretty sure they knew that the item that I purchased was damaged. Very disappointed in this first and last transaction.

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REVERB = just that , crap goes on and on and on ...

"DISSAPOINTED ............"

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Customer "Beware!!!!!"

"This has to be One of "The Worst" Websites! The customers don't have "Rights?" Reverb Always
"SIDES" with the Sellers! Especially higher "Sales-Volume" weather good or bad rating?????
PLEASE BEWARE!!! There are many better sites, just look for them and tell your friends & family
"Not to Shop"

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When their website says "STEALS and Deals" they really mean it!!

"I sold a Cabinet on 4/2/16 and (come to find out) they charge the Seller a commission on Shipping! This seems like an asinine and "price gouging" way of doing business.
A seller makes nothing on the shipping yet reverb wants to take a percentage of the shipping charges. I won't be listing anything else with this company. Plenty of other places to sell.

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"I purchased a guitar pedal from Groove City Guitars on Reverb and received it in Bad/Damaged Condition - I could not get any support or help from Reverb or Groove City Guitars - They would not respond or resolve issue - Dispute and complaints were ignored - It was a bad experience - I now own a damaged guitar pedal courtesy of Groove City Guitars/Reverb - I would not buy from either of them again "

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Likelihood of customers making future purchases
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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"While many of the complaints about Reverb are related to consumers' or shoppers' ethics, they are just that, complaints about consumers, human nature. That, questionable consumer ethics, is just the nature of online selling.

Do I have issues with just Reverb "shoppers?" No. I have issues with ALL online shoppers. Folks that would lie to benefit their own financial gain when purchasing through bricks & mortar will do the same online, only ... at a much FASTER and seemingly more frequent rate. Ironically, these are the same people that would accuse auto dealers, retailers, etc of lying or deceit.

It would seem some sellers on Reverb, especially "brick & mortar" shops who started out as brick & mortars, have a difficult time understanding that concept. Yes, buyers will lie but that's true of any buying experience, again, ESPECIALLY online due to access to a much larger buyer audience as well as the "convenience" of no personal contact (face-to-face). Many folks talk about how great eBay is but I find that site (interface, policies, and much more) and its customer base to be the worst experience by far. Sellers are lulled into a false sense of security that they are protected by eBay's policies. Wrong. Sellers on eBay are subject to even worse deceit, lying and scams by buyers. Every time I am forced to sell something on eBay (about an average of every 2-1/2 years) I hold my breath for at least a month after the transaction, hoping that no one tries to return an item for a part they removed, unseen (interior) damage they caused or whatever other scams many buyers will contrive to back out of a sale ("Craps'list" -- Craigslist isn't even worth discussing!). That's not to mention eBay's very lofty, undeserved, expensive 10% commission (plus shipping charges incurred by the seller, plus credit card/PayPal charges ...)

The point is, again, that is just the nature of doing business online. With all due respect to online sellers, including online/brick & mortar retailers, if you are not prepared for the steadily increasing downfalls and issues of selling online then I suggest considering alternatives to selling online. Either that or sell online for local delivery ONLY, with extensive confirmation of the transaction (product features, descriptions, conditions, price, Ts & Cs, etc, etc) PRIOR to making delivery.

Bottom line: would I recommend Yes, by all means but sellers should exercise extreme caution when selling an item online, for delivery sight unseen, just as buyers should. To recap, get agreement, in writing, ensuring that the buyer completely understands what they are buying, what they will be getting, down to the smallest detail, and take numerous, detailed photos (or videos) just prior to packaging and shipping. Once more, any issues experienced with Reverb are just the nature of e-commerce. That unfortunately is the internet world we exist in.

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Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges