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BarcaLounger Uses Inferior Upholstery

"I have owned a BarcaLounger chair for a year an a half when I noticed pieces of the upholstery flaking off. I called this to the attention of the dealer, Bean Furniture, in Clarksville, AR and was told that the upholstery was made of bonded leather. I was surprised because it was sold to me as a microfiber upholstery! Neither the dealer or BarcaLounger would take any responsibility for the defective upholstery. In doing research I found that several lawsuits have been filed over the poor quality of bonded leather. I think it is a shame that Bean Furniture lied to me about the upholstery and that BarcaLounger will not admit they are selling an inferior product. I would suggest anyone reading this review purchase furniture products from another supplier."

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